Grateful Patient Holly

Grateful Patient Holly

1. How did your patient journey begin?

I was born with kidney disease but was misdiagnosed with ‘thin basement membrane disease’ at the age of three. For most of my life I thought that was the root cause of my weakening kidneys and only recently found out that wasn’t the case. 

A few days after a routine blood test, I got a call from my doctor and instantly knew something was wrong. They had found something serious in my blood results. I was told to leave work immediately and go to the emergency department where they would be expecting me. An infection had attacked my kidneys and destroyed them down to 7% function. I was admitted to the ICU and rushed to surgery. I spent the next two weeks in the ICU fighting for my life.


2. How did your journey change you?

I’ll spend every second like it’s my last. And I will live for the people who found themselves in a similar situation but weren’t blessed with the same luck I was. Life is precious beyond what anyone understands. 


3. Is there a specific medicine/treatment/medical device/pharmaceutical company you are grateful for?

I’m grateful for Australia’s healthcare system for providing me with free dialysis. In other countries, people have to pay, and some die because they can’t afford treatment.


4. Who are you most grateful for and why?

I am most grateful to my family. First of all, for my Dad for putting his business and life on hold for me. It’s the type of gift, a new life, that is truly invaluable. My mum for driving me to daily doctors’ appointments and hour away, and keeping me company during my 20+ hospital visits and ambulance rides. My sister for supporting me and making me feel like everything was ok when my world was falling apart. My aunty Judy and cousin Sarah for being there when I needed them. And for my nan and pop. They are one of the reasons I’m here today. 


  • Outdoor Advertising Agency
    Posted at 07:44h, 21 September Reply

    I am immensely thankful to my family, especially my father, who selflessly paused his career and personal life to provide me with the priceless gift of a fresh start—a new life that holds immeasurable value.